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Baptist Training Center Publications

Baptist Training Center Publications is officially recognized by the both the U.S. ISBN Agency and the Library of Congress as an independent book publisher of printed religious material. Baptist Training Center publishes books under the following divisions:

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Featured Titles:

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38 Self-Evident Proofs of Eternal Salvation

by Monty Hilliard

$12.95 on Amazon

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Knowing Him

by Edwin Button

$12.95 on Amazon

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The Baptist Sunday School Handbook

by Danny S. Jones, Th.D.

$9.95 on Amazon

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The Country Preacher's


by George Garner

$12.95 on Amazon

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The Art and Science of Soulwinning

by David P. Smith

$14.95 on Amazon

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Faith Promise Giving

by David P. Smith

$12.95 on Amazon

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Clara Alicia

by Clara Alice Smith

$14.95 on Amazon

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Where the Temple was
NOT Located

by Bobby Sparks, Th.D.

$9.95 on Amazon


Encounters from the Life of a Foreign Missionary

by James H. Gage

$14.95 on Amazon

The Baptist Missionary Handbook

by Danny S. Jones

$15.99 Paperback

The Baptist History Notebook

by Berlin Heisel

$14.99 on Amazon


Moments of Inspiration

by Rudy Holland

$17.99 on Amazon

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Tales to Tale

by James H. Gage

$12.95 on Amazon

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Living the Christian Life

by Lindell Selvey

$9.99 on Amazon

Bea'diah's Scariest Day

by Joyce Kelley

$9.99 on Amazon


A Biblical Study of Tongues

by Ray McAlister

$7.95 on Amazon

Nothing Will Take You Away

by Danny S. Jones

$9.99 on Amazon



by Ray McAlister

$9.95 on Amazon




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The Baptist Missionary Handbook presents a comprehensive study on the topic of mission work and missionary training through Biblical foundations, theological insights, historical context, and practical implementation of scripturally sound principles. Topics include: an introduction to missiology, a discussion of the missionary and his role, theological insights into missions, Biblical foundations of missions, historical contextualization of missions, establishing the missionary call, missions in light of the local New Testament church, deputation and fund-raising principles, an overview of cross-cultural missions and living, and finally, missionary practicalities.

Danny S. Jones has been preaching the Word of God since 1994. He holds degrees in Psychology, Religious Education, and Theology. Danny serves as a missionary to Thailand, where he has ministered since 2001, and is also a professor and Academic Dean of the Westwood School of Missions in Winter Haven, Florida.


The Baptist History Notebook is a comprehensive compendium of the various groups of believers throughout the ages who held to Biblical, Baptistic doctrine. Compiled from the lectures of the late Berlin Hisel, this is the seminal work of the history of Baptist churches from the time of Christ to the Welsh Baptists who brought their faith to America. Following the struggles and persecution of these Baptist forefathers, The Baptist History Notebook should be on the "must-read list" of every believer to find out the origin and lineage of true, scriptural, and God-honoring churches - Baptist churches. 

 Bro. Berlin Hisel was born August 25, 1936 in Jackson County, Kentucky. He moved to Dayton, Ohio in 1941 and served in the U.S. Navy from 1953-1957. In 1958, he married Dora B. Martin and they had 3 children.

     He was born again into the kingdom of God in 1950. He served as deacon, teacher, and Supt. Of Missions at Bentley Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington, KY. In 1963, he received his A.B. degree from Lexington Baptist College, and in 1975 he received his Th. B. degree from Cincinnati Baptist College. He served as Bible Instructor at Cincinnati Baptist College from 1967-1975, and at Lexington Baptist College from 1975-1990. He pastored the South Irvine Baptist Church from 1964-1967. He then accepted the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Harrison, Ohio where he ministered from 1967-1982. He returned to again pastor the South Irvine Baptist Church in 1982 until his death on July 13, 1990.

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Looking for something to uplift, strengthen and inspire you to meet the challenges of your day? Dr. Rudy Holland presents 365 days of powerful, enlightening, Biblically based messages to help guide you through your day. The spiritual insights, scriptural principles, and practical advice given by Dr. Holland are much more than simple devotions, they are “Moments of Inspiration.”

Dr. Rudy Holland was born in 1946, and saved under the preaching of Lester Roloff. He received the very first Doctor of Divinity awarded at Liberty University by Dr. Jerry Fallwell. Dr. Holland spent many years pastoring and preaching the gospel all over the U.S. and many foreign countries. Currently, he is the director of PRH ministries and has a passion to help pastors and churches.

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